Federal Cars PF 2015
game design, branding, graphic design, marketing
We went off the wall when creating a PF on the Unity platform. The goal is to drive around Jested either in Toyota or Peugeot car and to find the way to Federal Cars dealership. There was a printed version that came with it in the form of ludo, which the client was distributing in different company branches or were sent by mail. We are very pleased with this project. Also you can try to play our game HERE. Have you overcome all the obstacles of the Jested ridge? Were you faster than your colleagues? What car brand where you driving?
Na PF jsme si ulítli a vytvořili počítačovou hru na platformě Unity. Úkolem je Toyotou nebo Peugeotem projet okolo Ještědu a najít cestu přímo k Federal Cars. Součástí byla i tištěná verze, ve formě člověče nezlob se, kterou klienti rozdávali na pobočkách nebo zasílali poštou. Z projektu máme vlikou radost.
Zkuste si hru zahrát i vy ZDE. Překonali jste nástrahy Ještědského hřebenu? Byli jste rychlejší než Váš kolega? Kterou značkou auta jste jeli?